ICDS Events

New User Training: Getting Your Software Running on Roar

Date: Wednesday, September 25

Time: 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.


After attending this workshop, learners will be able to: 

  • Access, search, and use software from the software stack 
  • Identify what factors can prevent users from setting up their own software and how to request installation of software by ICDS staff  
  • Install user level packages for R and python 
  • Create custom environments using anaconda, including searching popular repositories for available packages 
  • Describe best practices for user-level software compilation on Roar Collab including shared vs static libraries and what automation is available (make) 
  • Understand that containerization is an option and know where to look for more information on using it within the jobs 

This training is offered on Zoom for your convenience.

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