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Cartoon drawing of urban and rural landscapes

ICS invites faculty to collaborate on NSF “Smart and Connected Communities” (S&CC) solicitation

Posted on August 7, 2017

The Institute for CyberScience (ICS) will host a collaboration session to bring together researchers interested in an upcoming National Science Foundation (NSF) funding opportunity on “Smart and Connected Communities” (S&CC). The session will take place Friday, Sept. 1 from 10 a.m. to noon in 233A HUB-Robeson Center.

The collaboration session is designed to help researchers meet potential collaborators, learn more about the NSF program, which focuses on the use of technology to enhance how communities function, and brainstorm ideas for proposals. It is free and open to all Penn State researchers. Interested researchers can RSVP here.

“Ambitious S&CC proposals will require interdisciplinary teams, but it’s not always easy for a computer engineer to find a sociologist to partner with, or for a health expert to connect with a climate scientist,” said ICS Director Jenni Evans. “This session will bring experts from a broad spectrum of fields together and make finding collaborators easier.”

S&CC aims to support interdisciplinary research on how municipalities–from cities to towns to rural villages–can use technology to operate more efficiently, protect citizens’ privacy, and improve the quality of life. As “smart” devices become increasingly prevalent, researchers are finding new ways to harness data from these technologies to improve community living.

S&CC has previously funded a wide range of projects, including work on decreasing traffic congestion in cities, maintaining power during heat waves, and improving emergency response times.



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