Beginning in February 2025, ICDS will begin to transition to a new usage model that will allow users to purchase allocations (guaranteed access to resources for a period of one or more years) but also on an as-needed basis. New pricing for both allocations and “pay per use” options became active in January 2025 (view pricing).
Existing users with paid allocations will be contacted in the coming months to discuss their options for utilizing “pay per use” credits.
To establish a new a paid allocation, contact us.
The Open Queue
Students and others who do not have a paid allocation can access Roar and Roar Collab through their respective “open queues.” All you need is an Roar or Roar Collab account. If you don’t have one, request an account here.
Jobs submitted to the open queue run using a limited subset of idle computing resources. That means the jobs you submit to this queue do not count against your paid allocation.
If you have any questions about using the open queue or submitting jobs, please contact