ICDS Associate David Hunter honored with Eberly College of Science climate and diversity awards.
ICDS associate receives College of Eberly Science’s Climate and Diversity Award
Posted on March 3, 2022An Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS) associate was one of three individuals selected by The College of Eberly Science to receive an award for displaying extraordinary commitment to enhancing the environment of mutual respect and diversity in the college over the past year.
Murali Haran, professor and head of the Department of Statistics nominated David Hunter, a professor of statistics and co-chair of the ICDS’s newly formed Justice, Equity, Diversity Committee. Haran spoke highly of Hunter’s efforts to make the department a welcoming and inclusive place for students, staff and faculty during his 21 years with Penn State, including through his leadership and service in a variety of organizations as well has his willingness to help members of the college.
“In each of these roles, Dave has always been very mindful of creating a warm and inclusive environment where people feel appreciated and well respected,” said Haran. “When making decisions, he always keeps in mind best practices and goes out of his way to involve as many people as possible and gives weight to the concerns of every member of the community. He also addresses difficult situations justly, kindly, and honestly.”
Hunter served as the inaugural chair of the Eberly Next STEPS committee, which is focused on enhancing the college’s ability to attract and retain a diverse pool of faculty and graduate students. Heand Inclusion Committee, the associate director of partnerships for the Math Alliance, and a co-founding member of the American Statistical Association’s outreach group on justice equity, diversity, and inclusion. Hunter also personally helps faculty, students, and staff by acting as a soundboard and giving advice, and has spent countless hours helping multiple graduate students over the years, notably some from underrepresented groups.
The college’s Climate and Diversity Committee also recognized Danielle Bayletts and Margaret Gerthoffer.
You can read more about the award and the award winners here.