CALL FOR WHITE PAPERS: Get involved in ICDS Day:
ICDS is looking for researchers of your expertise to submit proposals/abstracts as part of our afternoon sessions of 5-minute flash talks on Oct. 23. The submission period opens Monday, Sept. 2.
Submit a half-page proposal or abstract for an interdisciplinary research idea which aligns with one or more of the following core pillars of the Penn State Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS): data sciences, cyberinfrastructure, computational sciences and/or artificial intelligence (AI).
Research submissions can be a center, a paper or a proposal of small to large scale, as well as collaborative projects that involve the expertise or resources made possible through ICDS, including RISE, Roar, CIE, etc. Idea can be targeted to specific funding programs such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) or the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Session information and format
Selected principal investigators (PIs) will present a 5-minute flash talk describing their ideas at ICDS Day on Wednesday, Oct. 23 during the afternoon session. After flash talks are presented, tables for each topic will be set up for attendees to further discuss PI ideas and collaborate to transform the concept into a set of achievable next steps. Tables will each have a scribe which will capture research themes and next steps for research within the state and beyond. Reports from scribes will be delivered to ICDS to help with research drivers interested in continuing the pursuit.
For any questions, please contact Christelle Wauthier, ICDS associate director of computational sciences, at
The deadline for submitting a white paper is Friday, October 4.