Running Batch Jobs on Roar Collab
To submit batch jobs, use the `sbatch` command to submit a job submit script to the scheduler. To highlight how this works, let’s use this basic script (called as an example:
#!/bin/bash module load python/3.6 python
To submit this script as a batch job using the default parameters, the command would be:
$ sbatch
Job submit scripts are batch scripts with added #SBATCH directives to outline the resources desired by the scheduler. These directives can be placed at the top of the submit script, as shown below:
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH --nodes=1 #SBATCH --ntasks=1 #SBATCH --mem=1GB #SBATCH --time=1:00:00 #SBATCH --partition=open module load python/3.6 python
Alternatively, directives can be specified inline when you submit using
Here is an example of inline directives requesting a single core on a single node with 1 GB of RAM for 1 hour on the Open queue:
$ sbatch -N 1 -n 1 --mem=1GB -t 1:00:00 -p open
Here are some common directives used:
Command | Description |
--nodes (-N) | Number of nodes requested |
--time (-t) | Maximum wall time for the job – in DD-HHH:MM:SS format |
--mem | Real memory (RAM) required per node - can use KB, MB, and GB units – default is MB Request less memory than total available on the node - The maximum available on a 512 GB RAM node is 500, for 256 GB RAM node is 250 |
--ntasks (-n) | The number of tasks total – used to request a specific number of cores |
--ntasks-per-node | Number of tasks per node – used to request a specific number of cores This value multiplied by the number of nodes requested will equal total allocated cores |
--mem | Minimum of memory allocated to entire job |
--mem-per-cpu | Minimum of memory required per allocated CPU |
--output | Filename where all STDOUT will be directed – default is Slurm-.out |
--error | Filename where all STDERR will be directed – default is Slurm-.out |
--job-name | How the job will show up in the queue |
More #SBATCH directives can be found in the Slurm documentation.